School Code : 71827

Affiliation No.: 2133726

A proper education sets people up to grow personally, professionally, and socially. It can awaken joy, curiosity and a deep desire to solve problems and help others. Plus, teaching a student can inspire them to pursue leadership roles and positively impact those around them.

Foundation of every nation is education. The objective of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves. It is a continuous life long process and school is one of the most important components of this process.  Guiding children towards their journey to adulthood is taken up with utmost seriousness through strategically and scientifically planned steps so that the students and parents relax and enjoy the process of becoming lifelong learners. Guiding principles of NCF emphasizes on connecting knowledge to life outside...

Today, success and money are fast becoming the only standard by which human beings assessed in society . In such times, honesty, integrity, truth and uprightness are going out of fashion, so to say, and yet the  inherent significance of these moral values can never be denied . How can be really hope to get anywhere if we are not honest in our efforts.We, at XAV, not only produce students capable of financial and social but also moral security. This our aim, this is our motto – to be the alma mater of the students who becoming known not for’ heir success and money but for their moral strength.

- Ritesh Chandra / Director